Different types of practice schedules 101: What's the difference?
What does it look like practically:
The two main type of practice schedules are distributed and massed practice. We'll go into further depth in subsequent articles about what these look like in practice, but essentially massed practice involves doing longer, less frequent sessions, while distributed practice is shorter more frequent lessons. A massed practice might be a single three hour long session per week, while a distributed practice would be more like three one hour session distributed throughout the week.
Theoretical basis: There are two different terms when it comes to distinguishing between types of practice schedules, Distributed and Mass, they are defined in relation to one another. In massed practice, the purpose is to maximize learning through repetition and develop motor skills. For example, when learning to play basketball, one of the first skills needed is the ability to quickly toss and catch the ball. It is important to emphasize that use of massed practice, as with any procedure used to affect learning, must take into consideration the student's current ability, limitations or restrictions in the environment. (Gillis & Romanczyk, 2005).
For additional reading check out;
Our full depth piece)
- https://joshgosch.wixsite.com/practiceschedules/single-post/2017/03/14/The-Base-Theoretical-basis-for-practice-schedules
Or our references from the articles) -Chapter 15 of Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition by Spittle, M.
-Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, vol. 2: Child Clinical Applications,’Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2005, pp. 906-907 by Gillis, J & Romanczyk, R.